Read this file for proper installation of block DXH51E1, after having downloaded it from a BBS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- After having decompressed DXH51E1, following files will be generated: EXEFILES.EXE, CFGFILES.EXE, README.1ST, READ1.TXT (this file), FILE_ID.DIZ. Once you've decided the path where to install, you'll have to proceed as follows: type INSTALL then specify the desired installation path (Default =C:\DXHUNTER). If the installation program INSTALL.EXE is not available, you can proceed manually exploding the 2 .EXE files (they are self exploding) respecting the following rules: if the installation path is C:\DXHUNTER\ then type EXEFILES -d -o C:\DXHUNTER\ (-d and -o options and path termination backslash are mandatory) CFGFILES C:\DXHUNTER\ (path termination backslash is mandatory) ***WARNING*** Add YOURPATH\LIB to AUTOEXEC.BAT PATH string and reboot PC (YOURPATH is the path where you installed DXHUNTER. Ex.: C:\DXHUNTER\LIB must be added to PATH string of AUTOEXEC.BAT, if you installed in C:\DXHUNTER\). If the PATH string in AUTOEXEC.BAT is too long and you can't extend it, then move the BRUN45.EXE file from the \LIB directory to a path covered by the PATH string. If you don't follow above indications, youll'have to copy BRUN45.EXE file from \LIB directory to \CONVERT directory and to the installation directory. In our example, BRUN45.EXE, present in C:\DXHUNTER\LIB, must be copied to C:\DXHUNTER\CONVERT and to C:\DXHUNTER At this step, installation is complete. This is the MINIMUM installation and requires about 1.2 MB. You can download from BBS also DXH51E2 to enhance the installation. You'll add a voice/text multimedia archive and the audio file collection for SOUND BLASTER or PC SPEAKER, together with some applications to perform audio recording and playback (on S.B. or PC Speaker, see file SOUNDS.TXT for details). THE DXHUNTER: THE SOFT WAY OF HUNTING!!!.